Creating Synchronization Profiles

The synchronizer may run one or more synchronization profiles in parallel. Each synchronization profile is responsible for specific synchronization activities (scenarios).

For example we have two groups of users:

  1. “ustas” working in Sales department. These users need to have Contacts, Accounts, Leads and Opportunities synchronized.

  2. Also we have “alex” working in Support department. Support needs access to Contacts and Cases only.

In this case we need to define two synchronization profiles. We will give unique profile names “Sales” and “Support”.

We create “Sales” profile:

In real life each group contains many users. In this simple example the sales includes only one user “ustas”:

Note: In this case the license is already available for “ustas” and “alex” users. Otherwise the recommended step is to first fill information about users and then press “Get Trial License”:

It is possible to get trial license for 7 days before making final decision about purchase. The screen appears showing information that should be sent to specified email address from your own email.

Your information will be proccessed and the trial license (EALicense.xml) will be sent to you.

Now we select scenarios specific to this profile (Pressing Ctrl key allows selecting multiple scenarios):

Ok, we have “Sales” profile created and running.

Finally we use “Create new Profile” to add “Support”-specific synchronization options.

Adding user “alex”:

And adding support-specific scenarios:

After closing Sychronization Profile Wizard It takes some time for a new configuration to initialize. The configuration is displayed as grayed:

And in a moment it becomes green:

From this point both profiles are running.

Monitoring Activity

Synchronizer activity may be reviewed by pressing “Monitor”

The monitor screen displays detailed information about each synchronization scenario with breakdown on how many items were created or updated by particular synchronization step:

By pressing the Log button brings detailed information of individual synchronized items:

Doing the same for the whole profile brings the combined profile synchronization journal: