Getting License
License life-cycle looks as follows:
If you are a new user get a trial license first. After a free trial period you can request a new license. When license period is close to expiration you can renew the license.
All types of licenses can be requested from License&Users page of the Synchronization Profile Wizard:
Highlighted button text depends on current license state.
If you are requesting a trial or a new license it is necessary to
specify Exchange and CRM user names. Use
buttons to add/remove rows in the user
table. When you are done with users press “Get License” button. Default
text editor will open:
Verify user names and CRM URL. The URL is taken from the Connection page of the Synchronization Profile Wizard. Then send the information to After a while you’ll receive the license file. Save it in the file system and specify the path of this file in “Path to license file” field of the License&Users page. License configuration completed.